Astro Empires Browser Game

sabato 20 agosto 2011

Recruiting players.

Dear players,
Fênix ​​Guild is looking for active players to expand its the organic. All players, who have not yet made ​​a choice about where they want to stay with the guild, please, if you so desire, may request entry to the Fênix ​​Guild.       
Thank you and enjoy yourself.

After requesting accession to the Fênix Guild, you must send a message with the coordinates of all your bases please.

mercoledì 17 agosto 2011

Recruiting players for Fênix Guild.

We recruit players. Only active players please. Our rules are few and simple:
Before all else you must:
1) Build a single base. possibly near to other mates.
2) space ports lv 8
3) to establish trade routes with mates.
3) Research Laboratories lv 16
4) build the defenses of the base (level 5 command centers, not to build barracks. Build defense turrets gradually. When the search reaches a certain level, replace the missile turrets, plasma and laser. Turrets ion, photon turrets, turrets disintegration and over).
5) shield lv 6
6) materials for armor lv 14
7) Energy lv 16
8) Plasma lv 8
9) Shipyards lv 12
10) a fleet of fighters (1000 units)

To build a base well defended always refer to the tables.

Any other choice must be made according to the needs of the base.

martedì 16 agosto 2011

Fênix Guild


We are composed of our thoughts and emotions, so when we effect another person’s thoughts and emotions, we are effecting who that person is.

We are defined by our actions, because our actions are our thoughts and emotions translated into an activity. Our actions prove to ourselves and others who we are. If my action is to steal something, I am a thief. If my action is to save someone at my own expense, I am a hero.

When our actions effect another cognizant creature, our action becomes meaningful, not only to us, but to them. Because we have the free will to act or not act on our thoughts and emotions, we are responsible for everything we do.

We have the choice in this game as to how we want to move forward. We can do so at the expense of others, by taking what is good away from them, or we can do so to the benefit of others by giving what is good to them. 

We care about our empires but more so, we care about how they can be used to help others. We are working toward something greater than a game – we are working toward bettering peoples lives.

We are Fenix.